Start driving with Breezi

Start driving with Breezi, with exclusive rewards and earnings. Convenient at its best.


Sign up to drive

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Set your own schedule

You can drive with Breezi anytime, day or night, 365 days a year. When you drive is always up to you, so it never interferes with the important things in your life.


Earn more at every turn

Trip fares start with a base amount, then increase with time and distance and when demand is higher than normal, drivers earn more.


Let the app lead the way

Just tap and go. You’ll get turn-by-turn directions.

Hit the road

It’s easy to get started


Sign up online

Tell us a little about yourself and your car. Vehicle requirements vary by region, so we’ll show you what’s needed for your city.

Share some documents

Just upload your license, registration, proof of insurance, and the necessary information to start a driver screening.

Get the app and go

Once you’re approved to drive with Breezi as an independent contractor, we’ll provide everything you need to be a success on the road.

About the app

When you want to make money, just open the app and you’ll start to receive trip requests. You’ll get information about your rider and directions to their location and destination. When the trip is over, you’ll receive another nearby request. And if you're ready to get off the road, you can sign off at any time.

Now Arriving
Safe and modern cities
Start making money

Ready to make money? The first step is to sign up online.

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Support at every turn

We want every Breezi trip to be hassle-free. So we’re here to help with account setup and any other difficulties you may have.